What’s the best thing about being an adult? Dessert First!

What’s the best thing about being an adult? Dessert First!

Yes, you all know it, being able to have the choice of eating dessert first is one of the best perks to being an adult. And you know one of the best desserts to eat first? Girl Scout Cookies! Combine these two things and the most wonderful chefs in Louisville and you have my kind of heaven, Girl Scouts of Kentuckana’s Desserts First.

I have attended this event over the years and always come away with a smile on my face and a belly full of deliciousness. This year all my dreams have come true and I was asked to be a judge. I did hesitate, just a little because I have never judged anything like this before and even gave them names of others that would be way better at this than me, but they still wanted me so here I am, an official Dessert First judge for 2015.

So what is Desserts First? It is a benefit for the Girl Scouts of Kentuckian, an organization that I love and does wonderful things for girls (and women). For the last 9 years this event has been going on and raising some needed funds for the council. This year’s event is encouraging the chef t to explore STEM with the  theme being, Technology of Cooking. How cool is that? I am super excited to see what the chefs come up with.

Not sure if you have picked up on my excitement about this event or not, but we are T-5 days away and I keep checking the weather forecast making sure mother nature will not be raining, snowing, sleeting, icing or anything else on my little tasting party.

So who is going to join me and a few other super cool people for this event? You can find out more info here.

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I also just found out that you can get BOGO (Buy One Get One) tickets to this event by visiting this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/girl-scouts-of-kentuckiana-desserts-first-2015-tickets-14946780222

I will be live instagraming and twittering from the event, follow me @ChristineInLou

As many of you know I am a co-leader of the #besttroopever, along with @ashleeats and we are in this together. That adds a little icing on my cake so be able to do this event with a co-leader and friend as well as being able to give back to such a wonderful organization.

Desserts First Graphic for Social Media