How I spent my weekend

Partying, that is how and it was F-U-N. Sometime a few weeks ago I posted on twitter how much I love the Olympics and my friend Amanda chimed in with her love for them along with some other people. That got me to thinking, why not have a party for the opening ceremonies? Amanda and my sisters were on board so we turned to pinterest to help us out. Pictures below. That was party #1.

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During the day on Saturday I spent that day at a bike race and that is always a party if ya know that right people. Okay as much a of a party at a road race as a CX race but still hanging out with some of the best people I know is always a good time in my book (and getting to watch hot men on bikes does not hurt).


On Sunday I was invited to a Princess Tea Party. OMG, if you all know me at all you know anything with Princess in the title is right up my ally. Did I mention it was for a 3-year-old? Yep a pretty cool 3 year old that is a true princess in training. I also got to help decorate for this one and might have had more fun getting the party room ready than sipping on the tea.

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Taking a look back when I used to tell people I partied the weekend away it was not one I hosted or for a 3 year old but I kind of like this parting a little better. Hope you all got to have a little party this weekend.